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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Fox And The Crow

A crow, having stolen a bit of meat, perched on a tree and was ab out to begin her feast… A fox saw everything and thought,”If I can make that piece of meat mine, I would have no worry for my dinner!
Then he walked up to the foot of the tree and cried out to the crow,”Madam Crow, you are so beautiful today! Your feathers are so smooth and shiny. It’s just that I’ve never heard you sing. I wonder if your voice is better than the nightingale’s. If it is, you deserve to be considered the Queen of Birds!”
The crow enjoyed the flattering words. Eager to prove that she had a voice more beautiful than the nightingale’s, she gave a loud caw, at the same timedropping the meat, only to be snapped up by the fox.
That will do,” said he. “That was all I wanted. In exchange for your meat I will give you a piece of advice for the future: Do not trust flatterers. If only you had some wits, you could become the Queen of Birds.

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