All men are by nature equal, made, all, of the same earth by the same Creator…Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils,–no, nor the human race, as I believe,–and then only will this our State have a possibility of life and behold the light of day. ~ Plato (427-347 B.C.)
Why do we get what we want sometimes, and other times what we want eludes us? Why are some born rich, others poor? Why do some have great talent while others are limited in ability? What causes the wind to blow, the earth to explode, the sea to churn?
When you live among nature you can see the ebbs and flows that constitute life. The changing of the seasons, the sprouting of seeds into a plant, the rising and setting of the sun. We learn to be in rhythm with creation. Like the cycles and phases of the Earth’s moon our lives flow.
Universal energy moves in us, through us, and around us. The energy we breathe is the same energy that makes up Earth and the sun and the universe. The patterns and rhythms imply an intelligence, a Creator, imaging how the energy will flow. We call those patterns Universal Laws.
Why do we get what we want sometimes, and other times what we want eludes us? Why are some born rich, others poor? Why do some have great talent while others are limited in ability? What causes the wind to blow, the earth to explode, the sea to churn?
When you live among nature you can see the ebbs and flows that constitute life. The changing of the seasons, the sprouting of seeds into a plant, the rising and setting of the sun. We learn to be in rhythm with creation. Like the cycles and phases of the Earth’s moon our lives flow.
Universal energy moves in us, through us, and around us. The energy we breathe is the same energy that makes up Earth and the sun and the universe. The patterns and rhythms imply an intelligence, a Creator, imaging how the energy will flow. We call those patterns Universal Laws.
1. The Law of Identification
Hypersensitivity or taking things personally, is a major source of problems in relationships.
Hypersensitivity or taking things personally, is a major source of problems in relationships.
Only by not identifying, by detaching and viewing your relationship with some objectivity, can you enjoy it fully and act effectively within it.
2. The Law of Forgiveness
You are emotionally healthy to the exact degree to which you can freely forgive others for anything they may have done that has hurt you in any way.
You are emotionally healthy to the exact degree to which you can freely forgive others for anything they may have done that has hurt you in any way.
The inability to forgive lies at the root of most unhappiness. It leads to feelings of guilt, resentment, anger and hostility toward others.
3. The Law of Reality
People don’t change. Deal with them as they are. Don’t try to change others or expect them to change. “What you see is what you get.”
3. The Law of Reality
People don’t change. Deal with them as they are. Don’t try to change others or expect them to change. “What you see is what you get.”
Unconditional acceptance of others is the way to happy relationships.
4. The Law of Minimum Effort
You always try to get the things you want with the very least effort possible. All technological advances are ways of getting greater output with less input.
4. The Law of Minimum Effort
You always try to get the things you want with the very least effort possible. All technological advances are ways of getting greater output with less input.
All human beings are therefore basically lazy, seeking the easiest way possible at all times.
5. The Law of Maximization
You always try to get the very most in exchange for your time, money, effort or emotions. When given a choice between more or less for the same contribution, you will always choose more.
5. The Law of Maximization
You always try to get the very most in exchange for your time, money, effort or emotions. When given a choice between more or less for the same contribution, you will always choose more.
People are therefore basically greedy in everything they do. This is neither good nor bad in itself. It just is.
6. The Law of Expediency
You always try to get the things you want as quickly and as easily as possible with minimum regard to secondary consequences.
You always try to get the things you want as quickly and as easily as possible with minimum regard to secondary consequences.
You tend to follow the path of least resistance in everything you do.
7. The Law of Duality
You always give one of two reasons for doing anything — the reason that sounds good, or the real reason.
You always give one of two reasons for doing anything — the reason that sounds good, or the real reason.
The reason that sounds good is always uplifting and noble. The real reason is because your action is the fastest and easiest way to get the things you want, right now.
8. The Law of Choice
Everything you do is a choice based on your dominant values at the moment. Even taking no action is a choice.
Everything you do is a choice based on your dominant values at the moment. Even taking no action is a choice.
You are where you are and what you are because of your choices and decisions in life to this moment.
9. The Law of Subjective Value
All value is the eye of the beholder. There is no set value for anything. Something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay.
9. The Law of Subjective Value
All value is the eye of the beholder. There is no set value for anything. Something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay.
The person willing to pay ultimately determines the true value of any item.
10. The Law of Time Preference
You always prefer earlier rather than later in the satisfaction of any desire.
You always prefer earlier rather than later in the satisfaction of any desire.
You are therefore impatient in virtually every area of your life.
11. The Law of Marginality
The ultimate price of any product or service is determined by what the last customers are willing to pay for the last items available.
11. The Law of Marginality
The ultimate price of any product or service is determined by what the last customers are willing to pay for the last items available.
Every sale, or mark-down of prices, is an admission that the vendor guessed wrongly when setting the original prices.
12. The Law of Supply and Demand
When the quantity of goods or resources is limited, an increase in the price will lead to a decrease in the demand, and vice versa.
When the quantity of goods or resources is limited, an increase in the price will lead to a decrease in the demand, and vice versa.
Whatever you reward you get more of, whatever you punish you get less of. Taxes and regulations are punishment for productive activities. Welfare and benefits are rewards for unproductive activities.
13. Cohen’s Law
Everything is negotiable. Every price or term, whether buying or selling, is a best-guess by someone as to what the market will bear.
Everything is negotiable. Every price or term, whether buying or selling, is a best-guess by someone as to what the market will bear.
Always ask for a better price.
14. Dawson’s Law
You can always get a better deal if you know how to ask for it in the best possible way.
You can always get a better deal if you know how to ask for it in the best possible way.
Always ask for more than you want. Never accept the first price quoted. Be patient, and then ask for more.
15. The Law of Timing
Timing is a critical aspect of any negotiation. Whenever you make an offer, give a deadline for acceptance.
Timing is a critical aspect of any negotiation. Whenever you make an offer, give a deadline for acceptance.
On the other hand, if someone tries to give you a deadline to accept a deal, simply say,”If that’s all the time I have, then the answer is no.”
16. The Law of Terms
The terms of payment in a negotiation can be more important than price, or any other factor.
The terms of payment in a negotiation can be more important than price, or any other factor.
You can usually agree to almost any price if you can get very favourable terms.
17. The Law of Preparation
80% of success in negotiation is determined by the preparation you do, in advance.
17. The Law of Preparation
80% of success in negotiation is determined by the preparation you do, in advance.
Before negotiating, be sure to get the facts, do your homework and check your assumptions.
18. The Law of Reversal
Before negotiating, put yourself in the other person’s position and negotiation from the point of view.
18. The Law of Reversal
Before negotiating, put yourself in the other person’s position and negotiation from the point of view.
When you develop a good feel for the situation of the other person, you can more effectively negotiate the best deal for yourself.
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