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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Money Univeral Laws

For anything to function effectively there needs to be some kind of structure. There are laws that govern our universe called Universal Laws. These laws apply to everything, everywhere at all times in our universe. These laws enable our universe to function in an orderly fashion. Without these laws there would be chaos in the universe. By studying, understanding, cooperating, and applying these Universal Laws in our daily lives we can lead the most successful, fulfilling, abundant, joyful, and healthy life possible. Successful people have an intuitive understanding of these Universal Laws applying them consistently in their lives.
1. The Law of Saving
Pay yourself first. Financial freedom comes to those who save 10 percent or more of their income throughout their lives.
If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you.

2. The Law of Investing
Investigate before you invest. Spend as much time studying an investment as you do earning the money you put into it.
Never let yourself be rushed into an irrevocable financial commitment.
3. The Law of Compound Interest
Accumulating money and allowing it to grow at compound interest will make you rich.
The key to achieving financial independence through saving is to put the money away and never touch it, for any reason.
4. The Law of Accumulation
Great financial achievement is an accumulation of hundreds, and even thousands, of small efforts that no one ever sees or appreciates.
There is no quick way to become rich. A great life is an accumulation of thousands of efforts and sacrifices unseen by others.
5. The Law of Attraction
As you accumulate money, you begin attracting more money into your life. Thinking positively about your money as you save it turns you into a money magnet. More money comes to you.
You attract into your life the people, ideas and opportunities that harmonize with your dominant thoughts. When your goals are magnetized with the emotion of desire, you will experience what other people call “luck”.
6. The Law of Desire
To become wealthy, you must have a burning desire to accumulate wealth. A mild desire or casual interest is not sufficient.
You can tell how badly you want it by observing your actions each day. Are they consistent with wealth accumulation?
7. The Law of Purpose
Definitiveness of purpose is the starting point of all wealth. To become wealthy, you must decide exactly what you want, write it down and then make a plan for its accomplishment.
8. The Law of Enrichment
All lasting wealth comes from enriching others in some way. The more you can train yourself to contribute value to the lives of others, the more you will earn and the more certain it is that you will become wealthy.
9. The Law of Entrepreneurship
The surest road to wealth is to start and build a successful business of your own. No one ever got rich working for someone else.
10. The Law of Bootstrapping
The best and surest way to build a business is to start with little or nothing, and then to grow step-by-step out of your profits.
Those who start with too little money are more likely to succeed than those who start with too much. Energy and imagination are the springboards to wealth creation.
11. The Law of Courage
Your willingness to risk failure is the only real measure of your desire to be rich. Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure.
12. The Law of Risk
There is a direct relationship between the level of risk and the likelihood of loss in any enterprise.
Successful entrepreneurs are those who analyze and minimize risk in the pursuit of profit.
13. The Law of Undue Optimism
Excessive optimism is a two-edged sword; it can lead to both success and failure.
In business, everything costs twice as much as you expect and takes three times longer than you planned.
14. The Law of Persistence
If you persist long enough in the pursuit of wealth, you must inevitably succeed.
Stumbling blocks are stepping stones to success, as long as you learn from every setback and disappointment.
15. The Law of Purpose in Business
The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. All business activities must be focused on this central purpose.
Profits are a result of creating and keeping customers in a cost-effective way.
16. The Law of Organization
A business organization is a group of people brought together for the sole purpose of creating and keeping customers.
17. The Law of Customer 
Customers always seek the very most at the lowest possible price. Proper business planning demands that you focus on the self-interest of the customer at all times.
18. The Law of Quality
Quality is whatever the customer thinks it is, and the customer decides how much it’s worth. Your ability to add value to your product or service determines your success in the market.
19. The Law of Practice
Practice is the price of mastery. Whatever you practice over and over again becomes a new habit of thought and performance.
Growth and fulfillment come from abandoning old practices and embracing new ones.

20. The Law of Capital
Capital represents assets that can be deployed to generate cash flow. Your most valuable asset is your earning ability. Your physical, mental and intellectual resources — continually growing and changing — are your personal capital.

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