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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stories About Efficiency

There are all types of people in this world. Some people are extremely good and some are extremely bad. Some people fall in the middle category. Some people are given to hard work and some are lazy. While some people laze others are given to hard work. Some people can stick to their resolve while other some easily waver. There are also people who manage in life with average capacity to stick to resolve. Some people belong to the highest category, some to the middle and some to the lowest. From many points of view, human beings can be categorized in this order. These categories in return can be defined in many ways. Bhartrihari defined them as follows in terms of success of one’s work:

People of the lowest category do not begin any work at all. They are afraid of facing obstacles. People of the middle category make a beginning, but disheartened by obstacles, give up midway. People of the highest category do not lose heart despite repeated obstacles. They rest only after accomplishing the work they have begun."

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