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Monday, February 6, 2012

The Mice In Council

Long ago, the mice being distressed by the persecution of a cat, decided to call a meeting to discuss the best means of getting rid of this continual annoyance. 

After several suggestions had been debated, a Mouse of some standing and experience got up and said,"I think I have hit upon a plan which will ensure our safety in the future, provided you approve and carry it out. I propos
e to hang a bell round the cat's neck. Then we'll always know her whereabouts and can escape in time."

This proposal was agreed to unanimously, and it had been already decided to adopt it, when an old mouse got upon his feet and said,"That was most ingenious and would no doubt be successful, but who are we sending to bell the cat?" 

Hearing this, the mice got up and left one after a


It is one thing to propose, another to execute.

" Motivational Video "

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