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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Human Needs - Security

Security is the need to feel safe, to feel assured that they know what is going to happen, to know ahead of time what the plans are. What constitutes Security can be different for different people.
Examples of how Security manifests for different people:
  • Having lots of money in the bank
  • Having a planned savings/retirement program
  • Having a secure job
  • Having a house, home and family
  • Having a dependable car
  • Paying off the mortgage or having no debts
  • Having excellent personal and family health, or health insurance that covers any possibility
  • Having life insurance to protect their family
  • Having deep personal faith or personal conviction that they will be OK regardless of what happens in the world
  • Carrying a gun or having a way to protect themselves
  • Knowing their personal family history, or ethnic background
  • Living in a gated/guarded community
  • Living near friends and family.
Positive aspects: Whatever makes you feel safe, balanced, grounded, connected, safe, secure, trusting that things will be OK in your life.

Negative aspects: Overly cautious, fearful, paralyzed, indecisive, frozen in place, unable to function due to insecurity, retaliation against someone who they believe destroys their sense of Security.

How this need affects the workplace: People who have a need for Security will be more deeply affected by sudden changes, unforeseen events, real or perceived threats to their job, their livelihood, or their sense of self. Their fear will keep them from functioning in times of crisis or potentially cause them to react strongly to someone that they feel is threatening their sense of security. People who have a high need for security will be drawn more to working in government or public sector jobs than to entrepreneurial enterprises.

People who have a low Security need or have a need for Adventure may welcome change of any kind, while those with a high Security need may react very strongly at even minor changesA manager who has a need for Adventure with a staff with high Security needs can create havoc and traumatic reactions very quickly.

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