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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dealing With Crisis

When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of
two characters -- one represents danger and the other
represents opportunity.
-- John F. Kennedy

Family crises are unavoidable. At times, things are going to break down.
This is no reason to give up and abandon ship.
These breakdowns are the things which will strengthen our lives together if we do not lose faith.
The Einstein family had a crisis of sorts when their little boy, Albert, did not talk until he was four years old.
But what looked like a problem at first did not end up that way in the long run.
We can expect downhill slides once in a while, and we may even start to feel full of self-pity.
With faith that these setbacks are meant to help us grow stronger,
we won't waste them and end up having to face them again and again until we do recognize their true purpose.

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