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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mother world

World become so small and tiny
It looses its charm and entity
When woman attains motherhood
She has no appetite for self or food

Whole world, as if, has come to her lap
She remains unconcerned even if danger taps
Let snake pass near by but she is totally unaware
She has her own world to look after and take care

All great souls have used mother as sacred refuge
So the mother is called divine and status very much huge
"if I have to avail another chance" mother's womb will be preference
To remain in her womb for nine months will be great memory with presence

When God is remembered so is the mother along with same
All religious books are full of praises from where he came
For time being her love might have been shifted
Yet mother is symbol of affection and love as it is gifted

Why children love her more than father?
She is combination of both father and mother
At given point of time, you may desert sometimes
But mother in any woman never think of it any times

She is living god and exact replica of holy shrine
Kindness and love is the treasure of any feminine
Mother is mother and stands for courage altogether
She is embodiment and so is celled "mother 
By hasmukh amathalal

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