The bible tells a story about four men who sat at the entrance of the city's gate dying with leprosy, an incurable disease which causes terribly visible swelling and sores on the skin, only then to eat inward to the bones. Because of this contagious and incurable disease, these lepers sat outside of the city because they were not permitted to live within the city. These men were faced with a fatal disease, were outcasts, and were starving because of a feminine in the land. Such a hopeless life and no perceived future, would make the average person throw in the towel and just give up on life -- but not these men.
Sitting and examining their situation, they realized that just simply sitting and doing nothing would result in having and being nothing, so they asked themselves the question, "Why do we sit here until we die?" They knew that if they entered the city, they would die because of the feminine. They also knew that if they sat there and did nothing, that they would die. What did they do? They made the decision to ACT.
Regardless of their gloomy circumstance, they got up from were they were and decided to do something to change their situation. They made the choice to face their obstacles and do something different. They went into the city realizing that difficulties may be ahead, for if the city dwellers spared their lives, they would live -- and if not, they would die. Given the situation that they were in, things were not going to just get better.
Upon entering the city, to their pleasant surprise, no one was there, because God had caused the city dwellers to abandon their tents.
Because of their decision to change their situation, and the decision to act, these hungry dying men when into a tent, and feasted as they ate, drank, and carried off silver, gold, and clothing. However, things did not end there, because after putting away the silver, gold, and clothing -- they entered another tent and again met great fortune.
Just like these lepers, you may be in your decision place today. If you are in a place, or situation that seems lifeless -- regardless of where that place may be, or how things look -- ask yourself the question, "Why do I sit here until I die?"�
Take a good look at where you are, and where you want to be -- then take the necessary steps to find yourself in that desired place.
In the midst of misfortune, choice -- and then action -- will find you reaping the great benefits that God has purposed for your life.
By Audrina Jones Bunton
Bunton was born the seventh of eight children in her household in Pinehurst, North Carolina into a loving and committed Christian home. As she has 2 children, over 40 nieces and nephews and great- nieces and nephews, it is not unusual to find her under the same roof with many of her maternal five-generation family on weekends and on holidays. In her youth, she fondly recalls traveling throughout the U.S. with her family, as her parents ministered from state to state year after year-helping people as they traveled.
A graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, Audrina is a Competent Toastmaster of Toastmasters International and serves as the North Carolina District Sergeant At Arms. She is a former counselor of the Durham Pregnancy Support Services, a Christian-oriented crisis pregnancy center in Durham, North Carolina and is currently a Social Research Assistant at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Audrina is currently studying at the Master's Divinity School in Evansville, Indiana with a combined concentration in Biblical Counseling and IABC certification.
She also serves as the Youth Director at the Come As You Are Evangelistic Center in Aberdeen, North Carolina where her mother, Lydia Jones is the pastor.
Modeling after a song that her mother so often sings, and one that Martin Luther King, Jr. often quoted, her life and speeches are based on the following lyrics, "If I can help somebody as I pass along, If I can cheer somebody with a word or song, If I can show somebody he's traveling wrong, Then my living will not be in vain."
Audrina resides with her husband William, and 2 children, Audrina Lorraine and William Woodrow.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.-- Jeremiah 29:11
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