Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can’t be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people. ~ Lee Iacocca
Motivation is essential for success at work as well as for a rewarding personal life, so learning the skills and techniques to improve your motivation is never time wasted. Richard Denny ‘Motivate To Win’ shows how anyone can transform a dream of success into reality by becoming more motivated. Richard Denny is the most inspirational business speaker in the UK. He is probably unique in that his presentations not only motivate, inspire and educate his audiences, but they take away and are able to use highly practical ideas that achieve enhanced performance.
Motivation and Manipulation
According to Richard Denny, he viewed Manipulation as seems to be getting somebody to do something because you want them to do it; whereas motivation is getting somebody to do something because they want to do it. In his opinion, manipulation does work. But it doesn’t last and creates mistrust, leading to a ‘them and us’ situation.
According to Richard Denny, he viewed Manipulation as seems to be getting somebody to do something because you want them to do it; whereas motivation is getting somebody to do something because they want to do it. In his opinion, manipulation does work. But it doesn’t last and creates mistrust, leading to a ‘them and us’ situation.
A manipulative style of people management does not create the ideal where managers and their staff all pull together in the same direction to achieve their shared goals.
It is rather naive to encourage self-motivated people to attend an interview but expect the successful candidate to react kindly to manipulation when employed.
Motivation, on the other hand, is getting somebody to do something because they want to do it. If we really want to do something, we will be more motivated; and if we really don’t want to do something, we will lack self-motivation.
Attitude Motivation And Incentive Motivation
Attitude motivation is how people think and feel. It is their self-confidence, their belief in themselves, their attitude to life — be it positive or negative. It is how they feel about the future and how they react to the past. All of us from time to time have to make sure that we have the right attitude.
Attitude Motivation And Incentive Motivation
Attitude motivation is how people think and feel. It is their self-confidence, their belief in themselves, their attitude to life — be it positive or negative. It is how they feel about the future and how they react to the past. All of us from time to time have to make sure that we have the right attitude.
Incentive Motivation is where a person or a team reaps a reward from an activity. We can sum this up as: You do this and you get that. In his book Motivate To Win, Richard Denny mentioned that it is extremely important to understand the difference between the two kinds of motivation and to accept that both types are at their most effective when both are at work.
For an individual, a team or group of people, motivation can only be effective in the right environment. For example, a manager may attempt to motivate a team of people by introducing a competition or incentive programmes, which may well have been properly constructed, but if the environment in which that team is operating is not conducive to a harmonious relationship, there is backbiting, mistrust or an unhappy atmosphere, any incentive or attempted motivational approach will be ineffective. So you must look at your environment — is it one in which you can be motivated? If you are a leader, is the environment right for your people to be motivated?
When the leaders are leading, the followers will follow. To be an effective manager and motivator of others, one must have or develop leadership skills.

Did is a word of achievement,
Won’t is a word of retreat,
Might is a word of bereavement,
Can’t is a word of defeat,Ought is a word of duty,
Try is a word each hour,
Will is a word of beauty,
Can is a word of power.
Won’t is a word of retreat,
Might is a word of bereavement,
Can’t is a word of defeat,Ought is a word of duty,
Try is a word each hour,
Will is a word of beauty,
Can is a word of power.
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