Meaning Of True Love
It is sharing and caring,
Giving and forgiving,
Loving and being loved,
Walking hand in hand,
Talking heart to heart,
Seeing through each other’s eyes,
Laughing together,
Weeping together,
Praying together,
And always trusting
And believing
And thanking GOD
For each other…
For love that is shared is a beautiful thing…
It enriches the soul and makes the heart sing!
Giving and forgiving,
Loving and being loved,
Walking hand in hand,
Talking heart to heart,
Seeing through each other’s eyes,
Laughing together,
Weeping together,
Praying together,
And always trusting
And believing
And thanking GOD
For each other…
For love that is shared is a beautiful thing…
It enriches the soul and makes the heart sing!
How Do you show your man you really love him?
An informal survey asked participants what they wished their woman would do to express her love. Here are the results:
1. Appreciate the things I do rather than focusing on the things I don’t do.
2. Be my greatest supporter.
3. Take more initiative to set up special times together.
4. Accept my weaknesses and love me unconditionally.
5. Allow me some time to myself.
6. Express appreciation when I help you.
7. Be spontaneous with hugs, kisses and saying,”I love you.”
8. Give me a chance to drop my briefcase, say “hi” and relax before you give me your concerns and problems.
9. Cook my favourite meal.
10. Greet me with a smile.
11. Make a big deal about my birthday.
12. Gently correct me in private rather than contradicting me in front of others.
13. Just listen to me without assuming what I’m thinking or about to say. Don’t interrupt.
2. Be my greatest supporter.
3. Take more initiative to set up special times together.
4. Accept my weaknesses and love me unconditionally.
5. Allow me some time to myself.
6. Express appreciation when I help you.
7. Be spontaneous with hugs, kisses and saying,”I love you.”
8. Give me a chance to drop my briefcase, say “hi” and relax before you give me your concerns and problems.
9. Cook my favourite meal.
10. Greet me with a smile.
11. Make a big deal about my birthday.
12. Gently correct me in private rather than contradicting me in front of others.
13. Just listen to me without assuming what I’m thinking or about to say. Don’t interrupt.
If grass can grow through cement, Love can find you anywhere.
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