The Laws of Nature are neither matter or energy – they are the phenomena that control the action and interaction of all matter and energy in the universe. They are universally invariant, conditions may change but the laws never vary. They created the universe (space) and determined its size. The concept of the “laws of nature” and “universal space” are the same. Where the “laws of nature” end, universal space ends. Nothing can exist beyond their domain. They are the framework of the universe that give it its personality.
1. The Law of Desire
The one who most wants the negotiation to succeed has the least bargaining power.
The one who most wants the negotiation to succeed has the least bargaining power.
You can only negotiate effectively on your own behalf when you are willing to walk away if the price or terms are unsatisfactory.
2. The Law of Reciprocity
People are inherently fair and are motivated to pay you back for any nice things you do for them.
People are inherently fair and are motivated to pay you back for any nice things you do for them.
By making small concessions in a negotiation, you may be able to get large concessions in return.
3. The Law of Finality
No negotiation is ever final. If you get new information, or you are unhappy with the agreed upon terms, ask to reopen the negotiation.
No negotiation is ever final. If you get new information, or you are unhappy with the agreed upon terms, ask to reopen the negotiation.
Be willing to adjust the price and terms for the other person as well, if he or she is unhappy.
4. The Law of Abundance
We live in an abundant universe where there is an ample supply of money for all those who really want it.
We live in an abundant universe where there is an ample supply of money for all those who really want it.
To achieve financial independence, make a decision today to accumulate wealth and then do what others have done before you to accomplish the same goal.
5. The Law of Exchange
Money is the medium of exchange between the goods and services produced by one person and the goods and services produced by another.
5. The Law of Exchange
Money is the medium of exchange between the goods and services produced by one person and the goods and services produced by another.
The amount you earn at any time is a reflection of the value that others place upon your contribution.
6. The Law of Capital
Capital represents assets that can be deployed to generate cash flow. Your most valuable asset is your earning ability.
Capital represents assets that can be deployed to generate cash flow. Your most valuable asset is your earning ability.
Your physical, mental and intellectual resources — continually growing and changing — are your personal capital.
7. The Law of Saving
Pay yourself first. Financial freedom comes to those who save 10 percent or more of their income throughout their lives.
Pay yourself first. Financial freedom comes to those who save 10 percent or more of their income throughout their lives.
If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you.
8. The Law of Conservation
It’s not how much you make but how much you keep that counts.
It’s not how much you make but how much you keep that counts.
Successful people save in prosperous times so they have a financial cushion in times of recession.
9. Parkinson’s Law
Expenses always rise to meet income. This is why most people retire poor.
Expenses always rise to meet income. This is why most people retire poor.
To become wealthy, you must spend less than you earn, and save the balance.
10. The Law of Opportunity
Difficulties come not to obstruct, but to instruct. Within every setback or obstacle lies seeds of an equal or greater benefit of opportunity.
Difficulties come not to obstruct, but to instruct. Within every setback or obstacle lies seeds of an equal or greater benefit of opportunity.
Turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones to success.
11. The Law of Courage
The systematic, deliberate development of courage is essential to the achievement of success. Fear is the greatest single obstacle to achievement.
The systematic, deliberate development of courage is essential to the achievement of success. Fear is the greatest single obstacle to achievement.
Make a habit of always confronting the things you fear and doing them anyway.
12. The Law of Applied Effort
All great success and achievement is preceded and accompanied by hard, hard work. When in doubt, try harder. And if that doesn’t work, try harder still.
All great success and achievement is preceded and accompanied by hard, hard work. When in doubt, try harder. And if that doesn’t work, try harder still.
And when you work, work all the time you work! Don’t waste time.
13. The Law of Giving
The more you give of yourself without expectation of return, the more good that will come back to you, from the most unexpected sources.
The more you give of yourself without expectation of return, the more good that will come back to you, from the most unexpected sources.
You will only be truly happy when you feel that you are making a real difference in the world by serving others in some way.
14. The Law of Affirmation
Fully 95% of your thinking and feelings is determined by the way you talk to yourself. Your inner dialogue is accepted as commands by your subconscious mind.
Fully 95% of your thinking and feelings is determined by the way you talk to yourself. Your inner dialogue is accepted as commands by your subconscious mind.
Talk to yourself positively and constructively all the time, even when you don’t feel like it.
15. The Law of Differentiation
Every product or service must be different and better in some unique way to succeed in a competitive marketplace.
Every product or service must be different and better in some unique way to succeed in a competitive marketplace.
Your competitive advantage must be perceivable, promotable and something the market will pay for.
16. The Law of Self-Development
You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve virtually any goal that you can set for yourself. Those who learn, can.
16. The Law of Self-Development
You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve virtually any goal that you can set for yourself. Those who learn, can.
17. The Law of Talents
You contain within yourself a unique combination of talents and abilities which, properly identified and applied, will enable you to achieve virtually any goal you can set for yourself.
You contain within yourself a unique combination of talents and abilities which, properly identified and applied, will enable you to achieve virtually any goal you can set for yourself.
What parts of your work do you enjoy the most, and are you the best at? This is your best indicator of your true talents.
18. The Law of Excellence
Success and happiness are only possible when you become absolutely excellent at doing something you enjoy.
The quality of your life will be determined by your commitment to excellence more than by any other factor. ~ Vince Lombardi
Success and happiness are only possible when you become absolutely excellent at doing something you enjoy.
The quality of your life will be determined by your commitment to excellence more than by any other factor. ~ Vince Lombardi
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