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Friday, February 17, 2012

The Stag and His Antlers

A thirsty Stag went down to a pool to drink. As he bent over the surface he saw his own reflection in the water, and was struck with admiration for his fine spreading antlers, but at the same time he felt nothing but disgust for the weakness and slenderness of his legs.

While he stood there looking at himself, he was seen and attacked by a Lion; but in the chase which ensued, he s
oon drew away from his pursuer, and kept his lead as long as the ground over which he ran was open and free of trees.

But coming presently to a wood, he was caught by his antlers in the branches, and fell a victim to his enemy.

"Woe is me!" he cried with his last 
breath; "I despised my legs, which might have saved my life: but I gloried in my horns, and they have proved my ruin."


Beautiful things are not always useful, and are frequently impractical.

What is worth most is often valued least.

" Motivational Video "

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