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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Path To Spiritual Enlightenment

By Pete
The path to spiritual enlightenment is a razors edge, steep and treacherous to the person who is foolish, on the right hand insanity and the left death.

Simply put, the rational mind thinks, the Soul just knows. The mind presented with this problem says, "Yes, 100+150+235, let's see, that equals 485." The Soul, on the other hand, presented with the same problem just knows, 485. No thinking, just knowledge.

The major problem, as you can readily see, is to keep the 'rational mind' sane while crossing the unknown to the 'All Knowing Soul.' The path requires total dedication, discipline, knowledge and courage.

The path is not a 'Sunday stroll', but rather like a narrow ledge along a cliff face, interspersed with flat rocky plateaus. In the beginning, the path may ascend sharply with great learning but soon the first plateau is reached which seems spiritually barren. These plateaus are places to rest, a place to apply what has been learned and a test of resolve. Resting overlong means to slide back, you must continue to ascend or be dragged down.

There is no fee at the gateway to the path leading to spiritual enlightenment. The key to enter, is the burning desire to know the truth.The materials required can be carried in a backpack: clothes for decency, a towel for bathing, paper and pencils for notes, a couple of books, whatever you need for the trail. The only other burdens you will carry are the truths you realize in your heart and mind as you ascend the path and the dawning knowledge that the earth and it's people are living in almost total spiritual darkness. You must be strong to stay on the path.

You need no expensive spiritual workshops or classes, gurus or teachers, correspondence courses, retreats, or trips to India on the path. You the student are your own teacher, you just need to realize the truth and apply it as you ascend the path. You are an individualized conscious part of the 'Whole' all knowledge is within your grasp. All you need to do is to seek the truth, apply it, and with God's Grace you may reach the goal.

The journey on this path to spiritual enlightenment requires that you be as physically fit as possible, pure in body and mind, give up all desire for sex and the pleasures of food, eat a raw food diet, be clean in habitat and bath daily, continually study nature both seen and unseen, keep your mind and emotions under complete control, overcome disease and pain, become good and do good always, serve others, be gentle and kind in thought, word and deed, live a simple unassuming low profile natural lifestyle, use a minimum of speech in your daily dealings, and continue on the path although you feel that you are failing completely. You have not failed until you give up.

This path is not an easy lifestyle for today, except for a few people. The ordinary person observing someone on the path might say, "Oh, that person seeking spiritual enlightenment is completely crazy." But then, "What virtue is it to be considered sane in a completely insane world."

"One person in a hundred thousand will find the true spiritual path, one in a million will walk it." It is better to never set your foot on the path than to do so and fail, because you will live the rest of your life with an underlying feeling of discontent, heartbreak and regret. If you can avoid this path, and live a happy life in this society, do so, if you cannot... dedicate your life completely to the path of the seeker and never give up.

The goal of spiritual enlightenment is the goal in life for every human being born on this earth, and it awaits each of us just over the horizon in our own mind. Stay on the path until the goal is reached.

Go with God and may Peace be with You.

As Aldous Huxley wrote, "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving... and that's your own self."
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.AnneFrank

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