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Friday, February 17, 2012

The Ass, The Cock, And The Lion

Click here to know more about lion

An Ass and a Cock were eating fodder when a lion approached the ass. The Lion had been starving for days. Just as the lion w
as going to pounce onto the ass, and make a meal of him, the Cock, rising to his full height and flapping his wings vigorously, uttered a tremendous crow.

The lion had an aversion to the cock's crow, and fled quickly.

The Ass was mightily elated at this, and thought that the Lion was afraid of him.

The ass galloped after him.

When the two were far enough that the Cock could no longer be heard, the Lion suddenly turned upon the Ass and ate him up.

The ass could only repent his foolishness as he lay dying.


In the face of any competition, one has to know both oneself and one's opponent well.

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