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Friday, February 17, 2012


The ant and the fly were bitterly arguing about who was more important.

The fly presented her case first. 'I am always on top of everyone else. When there's delicious food, I am the first to fly up to have a taste. I can even rest on the head of the king. I can kiss the noble lady on her face whenever I choose to . But what can you do?'

The ant replied, '' Though you have such advantages, your actions only make people dislike you even more. You are shameless. No wonder everyone thinks you are a dirty pest. Everyone chases you away wherever you are. You may fly freely in summer, but turn weak and die when the 
weather turns cold. I work happily in the summer, and live contentedly in the winter. That's so much better compared to your life.


Those who are boastful and look down on others will earn only dislike and scorn.

" Motivational Video "

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