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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Life's abundance

Having abundance in your life, is having overflowing affluence and wealth.

And when abundance is flowing in your life then so is your love and happiness.

When fullness is experienced, you have the opportunity to give happiness to others in whatever form you desire.

And when you give thanks for all that you already have then you open the door to let infinite abundance flow in and through you.

This is the natural tendency of life....

To flow!

You have the ability to create whatever it is that you want.

Immediately! That's why...

Anybody who cares to learn can manifest abundance in the areas of knowledge and wealth. They go hand in hand. And...

You can have all the affluence and wealth that you desire. It is very close to you already. In fact...

It is already inside of you!

You just need to open up to it, and become aware of it in order to have life's abundance. And there are simple and effective ways to do this.

All you have to do is find the way that is best for you.

Just listen to, and open up to your heart. Then...

The way will be shown to you.

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