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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Geoffrey Chaucer Quotes

"And she was fayr as is the rose in May."
"Certes, they been lye to hounds, for an hound when he cometh by the roses, or by other bushes, though he may nat pisse, yet wole he heve up his leg and make a countenance to pisse."
"First he wrought, and afterward he taught."
"He was a verray, parfit gentil knyght."
"Love is blind."
"Nowhere so busy a man as he than he, and yet he seemed busier than he was."
"People can die of mere imagination."
"The bisy larke, messager of day."
"The greatest scholars are not usually the wisest people."
"The guilty think all talk is of themselves."
"There's never a new fashion but it's old."
"Time and tide wait for no man."
"We know little of the things for which we pray."

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