
Monday, June 4, 2012

Judith Wright Quotes

"Feelings or emotions are the universal language and are to be honored. They are the authentic expression of who you are at your deepest place."
"Only after I faced the unhappiness of my first marriage did I start on the path of personal growth."
"Want to know if a given behavior is a soft addiction? If any of these characteristics apply, chances are it is: zoning out, avoiding feelings, compulsiveness, denial/rationalization, stinking thinking, and hiding or lying about the behavior."
"We are hungry for more; if we do not consciously pursue the More, we create less for ourselves and make it more difficult to experience More in life."
"When one pauses to consider how thoroughly corrupted our censors must be by this time, it is difficult to have any faith whatever in their judgement of what is and is not corrupting to others. If to the pure all things are pure, it may well follow that to the corrupted all things are corrupt."

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