
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Adrian Green Quotes

"Everyone works in a different way, but does it matter where it comes from as long as the end result is something that works for the poet and for the audience or reader?"
"Anyone who has written a poem easily and then wondered how it happened without apparently having had to struggle with it will incline towards the Wordsworthian view of poetry as some kind of divine magic or paranormal manifestation."
"The one thing all good poets have in common is that they read and appreciate a wide range of poetry, even if they don't agree about what it is that makes or inspires a good poem."
"In any field, the thinking and innovation which establishes a new paradigm is likely to come from outside the establishment."
"The emphasis on performance as one of the main opportunities for new poets to get noticed, especially the popularity of "open mic" sessions, has led to writers being encouraged to produce poems that reveal themselves at first reading. It has also led to the quality of performance being as important as the quality of writing in establishing a poet's credentials."

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