
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jesus Wisdom(Christianity)


The beginnings of Christianity are explained in the New Testament, which tells the story of Jesus. When he was about 30, Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in River Jordan. The Spirit of God then lead him into the desert where he fasted for 40 days. After this, Jesus started the next phase of his life: preaching, teaching, performing miracles and healing people.
Jesus preached to the people, often using stories to teach them about God’s love for the world. His message was that God’s kingdom was in their midst for he, the promised Messiah, had come to overcome the domain of darkness and free the people from the bondage of sin. The religious leaders and priests, however, grew uneasy about his growing influence.
In Jerusalem, Jesus ate the seder meal with his followers at what was to be called “The Last Supper”. The next day, he was arrested and charged with blasphemy for claiming to be the Son of God. Though the Roman authorities found the charge against him to be baseless, they pandered to the wishes of the mob and had him crucified. After he was crucified, his followers took his body down from the cross and buried him.
On the third day, Jesus’ tomb was found to be empty. Jesus was reported to have resurrected and to have appeared on many occasions to his followers and others. His last commission to his disciples was that they should go and preach the gospel to the world. What is the gospel? It is the good news that Jesus Christ had died for the sins of the world and that those who ‘believe’ will have eternal life. Then, 40 days later, the Ascension took place: Jesus was taken up into heaven.
Six weeks after Jesus ascended to heaven, his disciples were visited by the Holy Spirit. Infused with enthusiasm and no longer afraid, they rushed out in excitement to preach. Three thousand people were said to have been converted on that day in Jerusalem.
Christianity grew steadily in popularity, changing from a Palestinian Jewish sect to a new religion practised mainly by Greek-speaking non-Jews. The key figure in this transformation was Paul, a Jewish Roman citizen. His conversion to Christianity, after having initially opposed it, occurred due to a vision he received.
However, the Romans forbade anyone to practise Christianity as the religion had opposed the worship of the Roman Emperor. In 313, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and allowed its practice after a vision helped him emerge victorious on the battlefield. Christianity became the Roman Empire’s official religion in 381.
In 1054, disagreements over expressions of faith, the way of worship and details of administration between the Christians in Rome and those in Constantinople led to the creation of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Other denominations emerged over time, most notably Protestantism, which emerged as a reaction to Roman Catholicism from around 1500, in a process known as the Reformation. The Protestants, or Reformers as they were also known, rejected the authority of the Pope and held that people could and should deal directly with God, rather than through the mediation of the priests or saints.
In the modern world, the most widely practised form of Christianity is Roman Catholicism, which is under the authority of the Pope in the Vatican. Eastern Orthodoxy is also widely practised. The Protestant movement has grown too and given birth to a very large number of denominations and sects. There is today a strong movement towards uniting the various branches and demominations within Christianity.
Jesus In Nazareth
Birth Of Jesus
Young Jesus
Jesus Baptism
First Disciple

Christians believe in only one God who, as God the Father, is the creator of the world. He is all-good, all-wise and all-powerful. They believe God has revealed himself as well as his will and commands in the Bible.
1. Trinity
The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that the three Persons in the Godhead, namely the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are one.
2. Sin
The heart of the Christian message is that the human race is alienated from God because of sin and is therefore under condemnation. In a rescue bid, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for sin and redeem the world.
3. Resurrection
Another belief is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead three days after dying on the cross. For Christians, this signifies the believer’s victory over death and the promise of eternal life with God. Many emphasise the belief that Jesus will return to Earth in the future, in an event known as the Second Coming. At that time, he will establish a new kingdom, judge the sinners and reward the faithful.
4. Salvation
Salvation is a gift by the grace of God. Christians are saved from sin and death through belief or faith in Jesus Christ whom God had sent to be their Saviour.
Items of Worship
1. Cross
The most important Christian symbol is the cross(or crucifix), a physical reminder of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Many Christians also regard it as a symbol of hope and victory.
2. The Rosary
This is a string of beads used in a traditional Catholic prayer known as the rosary, which combines prayer and meditation.
3. Water
During baptism, people are immersed in water or have water sprinkled on their foreheads, representing the spiritual cleansing of their sins.
4. Bread and Wine
These are consumed in the Holy Communion rite, based on the Last Supper.
5. Amen
The word ‘Amen’ is a Hebrew word expressing the sentiment ‘So be it’ or ‘Verily’. It is said at the end of a prayer and is often used to punctuate group prayers to wish for the fulfillment of the prayer.
God is seated in the hearts of all. ~ Bhagavad Gita
If you don’t find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further. ~ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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