
Saturday, February 4, 2012

What You Need To Know About Integrity

A strong respect for ourselves is the prerequisite for living a successful life.Self-respect entails the desire to prove ourselves by stretching ourselves to the furthest limits. Then we will find our self-worth. In particular, going through private struggles and coming out victorious will help foster our self-concept. 

In the same way, there needs to be a deep respect for others. We are all unique individuals, and all have the potential to become contributing members of the society we live in.

What about our ability to keep our integrity in times of difficulty? In the short run, dishonest means always seem to provide the most convenient way of escape. Yet the basic rules of fair play must be adhered to, in order to build long-lasting relationships. Dishonesty always shifts the burden of a situation to another person and breeds distrust. No relationship can be built without trust.

For that reason, we all admire those who, despite the most odds and pains, manage to uphold their integrity. It is the highest virtue for any person to have integrity ingrained so deeply that we can be confident of being safe with this person and not be taken advantage of. 

Integrity, however, is not an inborn virtue. 
It is learnt in the process of growing up. It takes a deep consciousness of the adverse long-term consequences of dishonesty to instil in us the commitment to always do what is right. Integrity is a very strange thing. It doesn't depreciate in value over time, and when you have given up your all to keep it, it becomes the most precious.

Integrity has many rewards, though not all are immediately apparent. One of these is that it leads to accurate self knowledge. And how does this come about? Get into the havit of telling lies to others and very soon, we will find ourselves telling lies even to ourselves. There is very little difference between deceiveing others and deceiving oneself. Deception is most commonly caused by the desire to get approval from others. 

Although fair play is a virtue so simple, many people still struggle with adhering to it. Integrity as well as a sense of righteousness is sometimes so rare that the philosopher Socrates proclaimed," All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal - and divine."

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