
Friday, February 3, 2012


  1. Empathise and help, it fulfils the purpose.
  2. One's strong will, powered by discipline, keeps the temptation away.
  3. Wrong means of lust destroys the character.
  4. Selfless social service is service to God.
  5. The worst cheating is the cheating to one's conscious.
  6. Sense should prevail than emotion in crises.
  7. Involvement entangles with problems, but solution discharges from problems.
  8. Controlling wavering mind with single minded concentration only achieves in challenges.
  9. Ego, envy, greed, temptation and sadism are the bitterest enemies of virtuous men.
  10. Lady is on account of good character, and gentleman is on account of good conduct.
  11. Desire is not but temptation is the worst.
  12. Negative intelligence brings sufferings and positive intelligence brings happiness.
  13. Desire is a cause for one's cycle of re-births.
  14. Your knowledge plans, intelligence decides, but will-power only achieves it.
  15. One's reaction is the expression of his character and values.
  16. Love, without self interest, is the greatest in the world.
  17. Eradicate I, my and mine there you find Him.
  18. Never one's thought and speech shall differ.
  19. Acquiring useful knowledge and being useful, both act for one's upliftment.
  20. Cause of hurting others (except in other's interest, or as a matter of duty, or as a self-defence) yields evil effects, and cause of any doing, without self-interest, yields good effects.

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