
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Self - Healing

To heal ourselves is a reclamation of the power
we all have as living beings to live in harmony
with the life energy and to fulfill our potential as
creatures among many on this planet.

-- Chellis Glendinning

We live in a world that tells us healing only comes from outside ourselves. To some, it may seem odd to think each of us has the ability to heal ourselves.
How is this possible?
Easy -- we can do it if we believe we can. Whatever we believe we cannot do will remain beyond our ability.
But believing we can heal ourselves gives us access to many healing ways.
Self-acceptance is healing. Singing, playing, walking by a river are healing. Even helping others with their problems can be healing to us.
There are as many ways of self-healing as there are people in the world.
Once we experience what is healing for us, we can go on to discover many more healing acts to share with others.

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