
Friday, January 13, 2012

Ingredients for Success

Managers who have undertaken major projects requiring a culture change say there are some universal principles that apply in all cases. Some of these include:

1. Strong leadership — Forceful, vocal managers at the top are needed to push for changes in the ways people do their work.

2. Communications — Leaders must get the word to others in the affected organizations at the earliest stages of a project and then throughout the process. They have to relay accurate information and encouragement.

3. Champions and buy-in — Leaders at the top can't do it all. A successful project also calls for people in the middle to carry a torch for the effort and spread their passion to rank-and-file employees.

4. Enforcement — When all the carrots in the world won't get a few stubborn folks to budge, leaders must reach for the stick.

Jim Caviezel

"Will" is what creates the energy and courage to create. "Want", by itself, just isn't enough. Being "willing", moves you beyond your limitations and into greatness. Birds fly, fish swim and humans create. This is our nature. At the end of the day, both optimists and pessimists are always right. Why wait when you can create? When you take your success for granted, you don't give yourself the chance to learn from the process and apply it in other areas of your life. Failure is simply a result that differs from the one we expected. You can have success now, or you can have it later. It's entirely up to you. Success is waiting, here and now. It doesn't care where you came from, what you're doing or what you did previously. It's available to anyone who wants it and is prepared to go out and take it.

"You can't always get what you want" makes a great song lyric, but it's a terrible motto for life. The more you practice creating success in one area, the easier it becomes to create success somewhere else. If you're attempting to create something perfect, Get over it! To be successful, you have to care about what you're doing. Creating success is all about fulfilling or manifesting the purpose for which you were born. When your mind is sharp, attentive and ready for use, you'll find that you can create anything you are willing to have. Our mind gives us the power to both create and destroy.

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