Thanks For Visiting this Blog!!!!!!! Dev Patel here. Life is a Poem & You are Poet of your Life. This is d blog where u get Poems. You will find yourself in this blog. Destination of Destiny is waiting for you. You will find all thing about Philosophy ,motivation , spiritual ,inspiration, success , life , love , relationships. Life is so Beautiful so enjoy & feel the each moments of life. This moment never come again. This blog makes ur soul peaceful and happy.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Questions about Religion - By Osho.
They would say, "No, but we are curious whether God is or not." And sooner or later, when they became a little more acquainted with me, their real problems would come up: anger, jealousy, possessiveness. They are real problems, but they hurt the ego. To ask, "Why am I jealous?" is to recognize your jealousy, is to declare that you are jealous. Nobody wants that. Everybody is jealous, everybody is possessive, but everybody thinks it is not so. "It is not so with me—it may be so with others." guida10
You ask: Does God exist? How can there be so much evil and corruption in the world if God exists?
God is a mythical word, a mumbo-jumbo word that is the invention of the priesthood. Actually, to ask whether God exists is absurd. For those who know, God is existence, or existence is God.
Things exist, not God. A chair exists because a chair can go into nonexistence. To say that the chair exists is meaningful because its nonexistence is possible.
God is existence, the very isness. When we say God exists we create something out of the word God, then God becomes a thing. But God is not a thing, nor is God a person. That is why you cannot make him responsible for anything. Responsibility only comes when there is a personality, when there is someone who can be responsible.
God is not a person, he is pure existence. The word is misleading because the word personifies. It is better to use the word existence. The totality of existence is God.
So it cannot be asked whether God exists. That is like asking whether existence exists. Put this way—whether existence exists—the question becomes absurd. Obviously existence exists; there is no question about it. The question cannot even exist if there is no existence, nor can the questioner.
I would like to make it clear that when I say God, I mean existence as such. God is not a thing among other things, God is total thingness. To say that the table exists is the same as saying that the table is God. To say that you exist is the same as saying that you are God. God is the existence. God is isness, the quality of isness, the quality of existence…. gchall08
A Muslim friend came to visit me. This was his question too. He said, "The biggest question I feel is that if God is, then why is the world so evil?" He is right, because there can be no relationship between God and evil. How can there be?
I told him, "Let us remove all evil from the world for a moment. Can you visualize what the world will be like then?" The moment you remove evil, the good also disappears from the scene. Good cannot exist on its own. It is because of evil that good exists. Remove darkness and light disappears together with it. Light exists because of darkness. Remove the cold, and the heat is automatically lost. Heat and cold are different variations of the same thing. If we try to remove death, life too will be lost. If there is no death, how can life be? Or, if there is no life, how can death be?
The universe exists with the help of polar opposites. The world's existence is brought about by the music between opposites. If the opposite is removed, both are removed. Remove the male, and the female is lost. Remove old age, and youth is lost. The young person always wishes to prolong his youth because he does not know that youth and old age are so closely combined that if one is removed, the other is lost. We all wish ugliness to be removed from the world; but if ugliness is lost, beauty will also disappear. If you wish for a world without ugliness, be prepared to face a world where nothing is beautiful.
I told my friend, "If you wish for a world where evil is banned, good will flee from such a place immediately. Then this world will be a big prison house; because where there is no freedom to do evil, there can be no freedom at all.
In fact, the word "freedom" contains the freedom to do evil also. If a man is told that he is free only to be good, what meaning does such a freedom convey? This freedom has no meaning. Rather, it implies bondage. It would be proper to say; you are condemned to be good—not free to be good. When we tell a person he is free to be good, the freedom to be evil enters along with the freedom to be good. God is the totality and yet he does not control anything. This means that God creates, but He creates freedom.
A man is free to be good and free to be bad—as bad as he wishes—when God is the Lord of everything. This is because true freedom exists only if there is freedom to do what one wishes, be it good or bad. When no such freedom exists, man is not man but a machine which does whatever it is made to do because it is insentient.
Man is sentient; he possesses consciousness. Consciousness is not possible without freedom. way204
For tantra, everything is holy.
One Christian missionary was with me a few days ago and he said, "God created the world."
So I asked him, "Who created sin?"
He said, "The devil."
Then I asked him, "Who created the devil?"
Then he was at a loss. He said, "Of course, God created the devil."
The devil creates sin and God creates the devil. Then who is the real sinner—the devil or God? But the dualist conception always leads to such absurdities. For tantra God and the devil are not two. Really, for tantra there is nothing that can be called "devil", everything is divine, everything is holy. And this seems to be the right standpoint, the deepest. If anything is unholy in this world, from where does it come and how can it be? vbt02
People come and ask me whether their fate is determined. They are asking whether they are so important, so significant for this universe that their fate must be determined beforehand. "What is my purpose?" they ask. "Why was I created?" This childhood nonsense that you are the center creates these questions like, "For what purpose am I created?"
You are not created for any purpose. And it is good that you are not created for any purpose; otherwise you would be a machine. A machine is created for some purpose. Man is not created for some purpose, for something—no! Man is just the outflowing, overflowing creation. Everything simply is. Flowers are there and stars are there and you are there. Everything is just an overflowing, a joy, a celebration of existence without any purpose….
Try to understand it. Because our minds are fixed, we take things as theories, not as devices. So many times people come to me and say, "One day you said this is right, and another day you said that is right, and both cannot be right." Of course both cannot be right, but no one is saying that both are right. I am not concerned at all with which is right and which is wrong. I am only concerned with which device works. vbt06
People come to me and say that they are seeking God, that they are seeking their soul. Their faces give no indication of their search. Their search is misnamed; they seek something very different under the cover of God and soul.
A friend approached me—he was an old man—and said he has been seeking God for the last thirty years. "That is a long time!" I exclaimed. "You should have found him by now. It seems that God is avoiding you. If that is so, then even thirty births will not be sufficient. Or it could be that you are not seeking in the right direction, you have not taken the path to his house. Either he is avoiding you or you are avoiding him. Tell me exactly what it is that you seek."
"I told you. I am seeking God," he said. "I do my practices and my meditation regularly, but I have no results to show."
"What results are you trying to achieve?" I asked.
"I want to attain some occult powers."
Now this man is not seeking God; he is seeking power in the name of God. It is not only in the bazaar that we find one name on the label and something quite different inside the package. It happens in the temples too. shiva08
Osho writes to a friend:
Love. You ask for my ten commandments. This is very difficult because I am against any sort of commandment. Yet just for the fun of it I set down what follows:
1. Obey no orders except those from within.
2. The only God is life itself.
3. Truth is within, do not look for it elsewhere.
4. Love is prayer.
5. Emptiness is the door to truth, it is the means, the end and the achievement.
6. Life is here and now.
7. Live fully awake.
8. Do not swim, float.
9. Die each moment so that you are renewed each moment.
10. Stop seeking. That which is, is: stop and see. teacup03
The Art of Parenting

The relationship between parents and children should be such where children should be able to express themselves with honesty and integrity, have trust in themselves and understand that their lives, actions and feelings are their own responsibility, and have a non-serious, zestful, confident, creative and fearless approach to life and learning.
The parent's main focus should be to help children transform their natural curiosity into a strong inner discipline and motivation. Parents should understand that each individual child comes with some gift, some treasure. It may be academic, it may be practical, or it may be artistically creative. Parents should try to provide as much space and as many opportunities as possible for the child's individuality and creativity to unfold.
Parents should not use comparison and competition as stimuli for achievement and performance. Life is so vast, individuals so unique, and there are so many human gifts that cannot be quantified, tested or measured: for example, a loving heart, sensitivity, courage, awareness, honesty, vitality, being generous or understanding. All these qualities are valued as precious, in fact priceless.
Parents are the first teachers of the children and their homes their first classroom. Parents should help in every possible way to give freedom, to give opportunities for personal and spiritual growth to their children.
" The Psychology of the Buddhas "
There is also a third way, but to achieve to the third you have to go through arduous effort of becoming more and more aware. To the sleeping person these two ways are ready-made, available from the very birth. The positive person lives through a kind of optimism. His optimism is shallow, but he is full of hopes. He counts only the roses on the rosebush; he does not look at the thorns, he ignores them. Sooner or later he is bound to be disappointed.
Every child begins with a positive attitude towards life. That is natural because if the child begins with a negative attitude he will not begin at all; he would have died in the mother's womb. He waited for nine months, he passed through the birth canal, which is a painful process, suffocating. There must be deep down an unconscious hope; hence he is patiently waiting for the day when he can see the sun, see the light, be in the world. He is like a seed, very unconscious; he is not aware of it. But every child is born with great hopes, every child is an optimist; he looks through the positive. But life disappoints everyone.
LIFE IS VERY STRANGE, in a way: if you don't get what you want, you are disappointed, naturally; but if you get what you want, then too you are disappointed. Disappointment seems to be the destiny. If you don't get what you want, you suffer -- you have failed. You have not been able to prove yourself, you have not been able to prove your mettle. Others have succeeded, you are a failure. You can't respect yourself. And if you can't respect yourself, you can't respect life. It seems like a curse. You would like to return the ticket to God. If you meet him, your first question will be, "Why have you created me? For what? -- for all these disappointments? Are you a sadist or something, creating so many people and then giving them so much misery?"
And the religious people say, "It is God's play, his Leela." What kind of play is this? God does not seem to be in his right senses. It seems as if he is enjoying the tortures. He seems to be more like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, than like Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus. These people don't seem to be like God, because when all your hopes are turned into hopelessness, when all your desires are frustrated, when nothing comes out of your optimism, naturally you become sour, you become bitter, and pessimism is born.
Pessimism is nothing but the failure of optimistic attitudes. Then you start counting the thorns and ignoring the roses. Then you look always for the darker side. That is the philosophy of pessimism.
Contemplate on these laws of Murphy:
First: If anything can go wrong, it will.
Second: Nothing is ever as simple as it seems.
Third: Everything takes longer than you expect.
Fourth: Left to themselves all things go from bad to worse.
Fifth: Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
Sixth: Mother Nature is a bitch.
Seventh: It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
Eighth: If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
Ninth: If you can keep your head when, all around you, others are losing theirs, you just don't understand the situation.
And the tenth: For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution -- and it is always wrong.
Pessimism simply means looking at life negatively, always searching for the flaw, for the loophole, for something negative, and accumulating all those negativities. And when you look at the dark side, always, of course, there are two nights and only one small day sandwiched between the two nights -- dark dark nights.
Optimism ends in pessimism. Every pessimist has been an optimist once -- he is an ex-optimist. He hoped too much and because those hopes were not fulfilled he has become sour, angry, enraged. Now he cannot see the flowers and the stars. He can't see anything beautiful; he goes on looking for the ugly. And when you look for the ugly you will find it on every step. Whatsoever you look for you are bound to find it, remember, because life consists of both -- positivity and negativity -- in the same quantity. Life cannot exist without the other; the other pole is a must.
IT IS JUST LIKE ELECTRICITY. Electricity cannot exist only with one polarity, positive or negative; it has to have both the poles together. It is possible only through the tension that is created between the negative and the positive. But there is a third kind of person -- I call that person the awakened, the enlightened -- who looks at life in its totality, who is neither a pessimist nor an optimist, who simply accepts life as it is; who accepts the night, who accepts the day, who accepts the rose and the thorn, because he understands that life is out of necessity dual, dialectical. And in his awareness grows a synthesis between the polar opposites. The synthesis never grows on the outside, as Karl Marx says.
Karl Marx says life is a dialectical process between thesis and antithesis and it always comes to a synthesis. Then synthesis turns again into a thesis and creates its antithesis. That is utterly wrong. Outside, life is always thesis and antithesis; it never comes to any synthesis.
Synthesis is achieved only in the inner vision of an enlightened being. Synthesis is attained when you have attained to absolute silence. In that silence you are so clear, so transparent, that you can see through and through. Then you know that life needs both: day and night, birth and death. Then there is nothing wrong in death; it is perfectly useful, needed, inevitable. Then a deep acceptance arises in you. Buddha calls that acceptance, Tathata -- suchness. Life is such. You understand it and through that understanding you transcend it. Don't be a pessimist and don't be an optimist. Just watch, be a watcher and attain to the ultimate synthesis where you become a third force rising higher and higher and seeing from above, a bird's-eye view. Deep down everything is in conflict, but it is okay because you understand life cannot exist without it. It is not God's fault. There is no God as a person who can be blamed for it. It is just the nature of things -- tao, dhamma -- that life functions through duality. But consciousness can soar so high that it can transcend all duality and can reach to oneness.
The real meditator is neither pessimist nor optimist. He lives in a kind of suchness, in total "accept-ability."
Friday, October 7, 2011
" Socrates "

Socrates (470-399) was the son of a sculptor and a midwife, and served with distinction in the Athenian army during Athens’ clash with Sparta. He married, but had a tendency to fall in love with handsome young men, in particular a young soldier named Alcibiades. He was, by all accounts, short and stout, not given to good grooming, and a lover of wine and conversation. His famous student, Plato, called him “the wisest, and justest, and best of all men whom I have ever known” (Phaedo).
He was irritated by the Sophists and their tendency to teach logic as a means of achieving self-centered ends, and even more their promotion of the idea that all things are relative. It was the truth that he loved, desired, and believed in.
Philosophy, the love of wisdom, was for Socrates itself a sacred path, a holy quest -- not a game to be taken lightly. He believed -- or at least said he did in the dialog Meno -- in the reincarnation of an eternal soul which contained all knowledge. We unfortunately lose touch with that knowledge at every birth, and so we need to be reminded of what we already know (rather than learning something new).
He said that he did not teach, but rather served, like his mother, as a midwife to truth that is already in us! Making use of questions and answers to remind his students of knowledge is called maieutics (midwifery), dialectics, or the Socratic method.
One example of his effect on philosophy is found in the dialog Euthyphro. He suggests that what is to be considered a good act is not good because gods say it is, but is good because it is useful to us in our efforts to be better and happier people. This means that ethics is no longer a matter of surveying the gods or scripture for what is good or bad, but rather thinking about life. He even placed individual conscience above the law -- quite a dangerous position to take!
Socrates himself never wrote any of his ideas down, but rather engaged his students -- wealthy young men of Athens -- in endless conversations. In exchange for his teaching, they in turn made sure that he was taken care of. Since he claimed to have few needs, he took very little, much to his wife Xanthippe’s distress.
Plato reconstructed these discussions in a great set of writings known as the Dialogs. It is difficult to distinguish what is Socrates and what is Plato in these dialogs, so we will simply discuss them together.
Socrates wasn’t loved by everyone by any means. His unorthodox political and religious views gave the leading citizens of Athens the excuse they needed to sentence him to death for corrupting the morals of the youth of the city. In 399, he was ordered to drink a brew of poison hemlock, which he did in the company of his students. The event is documented in Plato'sApology.
Socrates' final words were "Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius (the god of medicine). Pay it and do not neglect it."
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" Miss You Steve Jobs!!! "
May Your Soul Rest In Heaven With Perfect Peace...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
" Motivation "
I Always Feel
You Know Why..?
I Don’t Expect Anything From Anyone
Born With Personality Is an Accident!!!
Born With Personality Is An Accident
Dying As A Personality
Is An Achievement
Ur Birth Maybe Normal
But Ur Death
Should Be History
Like All
Trust Few
Follow None
But Learn From Every 1
Practice Like A Devil
But Play Like An
Do Or Die Is An Old Concept
Do It Before U Die
Is A New Concept…
What Is Success?
Success Is ………
When Ur Signature Becomes Autograph…
The Biggest Suspense Of Life Is…
You Know For Whom You Are Praying
You Never Know The Person Who Is Praying For You
Dream Is Not That What U See In SleepDream Is The Thing
Which Does Not Allow You To Sleep!
They Just Fight For One Xtra Second
When Everyone Else Quit..
Sometimez 1 Xtra Second Of
Efforts Givez U Success
Gets All The Best Things Around Him
He Just Makes
“The Best Of What He Gets”
Life Is More Beautiful Than Imagination..!
3 Sentence For Getting SUCCESS Written
By William Shakespeare :
1) Know More Than Other
2) Work More Than Other
3) Expect Less Than Other
Monday, October 3, 2011
" એક છોકરી "
ને બીજો ધબકતાં દિલ ઉપર
એક છોકરી શરમાયને
મારું વિશ્વ એમાં સમાય છે.
પાછળ એ બાઈક ઉપર
એક છોકરીની શિખામણ છતાંય
મસાલો પણ છંટાય છે
એક છોકરી મઝાથી ખાય ને
ના અડું તો ઈશારા થાય
એક છોકરીએ ઉભી કરેલી મૂંઝવણ
એક-બે કિતાબોની આપ-લે પણ થાય,
એક છોકરી નથી સાવ ભોળી,
બહુ જલ્દીથી એને ઘરે જવાનું મોડું થાય છે !
" Life Quotes!!! "
Be Happy That Atlea$T
$Omeone ¡S ¡Nterested ¡N What You Have Done”.
I Take Decisions And Make Them RIGHT…
And Gets Irritated Time To Time
But U Still Cant
Live With Out Him/Her
That Is Love
A True Love
4 What U R & D Position U Hold In Society!
Both King & Pawns Go In Same Box!
An Army Of Lions Lead ßy A §Heep..
An Army Of §Heep Lead ßy A Lion…
Where Any1 Can Walk
Like The Sky
Where Every1 Desire To
It Is Sweetend By THOUGHTS.
I Care 4 U In My Own STRANGE Ways.
May B U’ll Never Know,
May B I’l Never Show…
When A Heart Starts
Listening To Someone Silently
Someone Starts
Reading Your Eyes Silently..!!
Always Find Time To Laugh…
Laughter Not Only Adds
Years To Ur Life
But Adds More
Life To Ur Years….
By Changing The Face
By Facing The Change
Never Say Sorry To The One
Never Say Bye To The One
Never Blame The One
Who Really TRUSTS You
Never Forget The One
Who Always REMEMBERS You
A Wall (Of Difficulties)
A Bridge (Overdifficulties)…
U Will Wait Forever….
If Ul Start 2 Be Happy
U Will Be Happy Forever…
And don't think yourself special. Nobody is special, because everybody is special. Nobody is extraordinary, because everybody is extraordinary. And each moment of life is so full of the unknown that if you are alert and open, you will be surprised at each step. And when you are surprised at each step of life, and each moment brings new surprises, your life becomes a dance, a song, a celebration.
1. Human: What is a century like to you?
God: It is like a short second.
Human: What is billion dollars like to you?
God: Like a penny..
Human: Can i have a penny?
God: How funny.. just wait for a second..
2. Son: Pl tell me the difference between mom and wife?
Dad: It is so funny, one who brings you into this great world crying and the another ensures you continue crying\\3.
3. During a divorce proceeding...
Judge: Mr Bush, I have reviewed this case very carefully, and, I've decided to give your wife, $850 a week.
Mr Bush: That's very fair, Your Honor! And, every now and then, I'll try to send her a few bucks, myself.
4. Two drunks were walking back home through the railway tracks...
First drunk: This staircase is a hell of a lot of steps!
Second drunk: I'll tell you what's worse — this hand rail is bloody low down!
5. A man was noticed, drinking at a public place, by a police officer...
Police officer: I would like you to accompany me, to the police station.
Drunk man: Why? Aren't you confident of making it to the police station, on your own?
6. 1ST MAN : I think I'm spending too long on the computer, I'm starting to get spots in front of my eyes.
2ND MAN: Have you seen an optician?
1ST MAN: No, just spots.
7. A guy and his greedy annoying girlfriend went to a wishing well. The guy dropped a penny and made a wish. His girlfriend also wanted to make a wish! So, she bent over to drop her penny. But she leaned too much, lost her balance, fell down into the well and got drowned...
Guy: Wow, it really does work!
8. A minister was held at gunpoint by a robber, thinking him to be just another prey...
Robber: Give me your money.
Minister: Do you know I'm in the government?
Robber: In that case, give me my money.
9. A man who surrenders when he's wrong, is HONEST.
A man who surrenders when he's not sure, is WISE.
But, a man who surrenders when he's right, is a HUSBAND!
10. She left him on the sofa when the phone rang, but, was quickly back within a few seconds...
He: Who's that?
She: My husband!
He: I better get going then! Where was he?
She: Relax dear, he'll be late! He's playing snooker with you.
11. There was this man who spent all his weekends, fishing. One Sunday morning, he went to the river, as usual. But, as it was cold and raining, he decided to return.
He came back, went to his bedroom, undressed and lied down beside his sleeping wife. "What a terrible weather today, honey," he said to her. "Yes. And my idiot husband went fishing!" she replied.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
" Karma in Hindu Religion "
There have been many philosophies that have focused on the performance of karma like the Vedanta philosophy. Vedanta philosophy has a strong faith in the Karma and it stresses on the fact that, it is the Karma that governs life and not the fate. Karma determines a man's fate. A man creates his own destiny by the performance of deeds. Whatever you give to life, it will return it back to you. If you give happiness, you will be blessed with happiness. If you occupy yourself in fraudulent activities and misdeeds, you will also be deceived by someone or the other.
" Karma and Reincarnation "
People who indulge in good deeds and carry out activities for righteousness, their souls rest in peace after their death. They get freedom from the vicious circle of rebirth. A deed is said to be good, when it is done for a noble cause, in which the person carrying out the task does not have any selfish interest. When the act is performed in an honest manner and that too for the welfare of other beings, the person is said to have performed good karmas. On the contrary, if a person engages in activities that are meant to or are likely to cause harm to others, then he is said to perform bad karmas, which will ultimately lead to reincarnation and the person will have to bear the brunt of his past life karmas in his next birth also.
When a person dies, it is basically the physical body that gets destroyed and not the soul. In the next birth, the body is new but the soul is the same. The person is sent back to earth in some new form of life, to face the consequences of his past karmas and thus make up for the loss he has caused to others. This is the God's way of doing justice. People who do good to others get liberation. It happens to those who attain enlightenment and have a realization of the Self. When a person becomes aware of himself and the power of God lying within, he understands the prime goal for which he is sent to earth and this paves way for bliss.
" Law of Karma "
If you perform good karmas, you will attain moksha and get free from this vicious circle of rebirth. All living beings, except for humans are burning their bad karmas and slowly and steadily rising above, to live the life of a human being. But, we human beings are wasting our lives, by performing bad karmas. The inhabitants of the heavenly planets are also making full use of their good karmas. Good souls attain bliss (nirvana) from the cycle of rebirth and depart for heaven.
All living beings are subject to the law of Karma. The karma law is based on the philosophy of 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. It says that if you give happiness to others, they will also try to bring a smile on your face by making you feel happy. It also holds true in the vice versa situation. If you do wrong to others, they will also indulge in wrongful activities. Life is like a mirror, it reflects what you do. So, treat it with a smile and a smile will come back to you.
" Karma "
There are basically three types of Karmas:
- Sukarma: it refers to the good deeds or the positive actions that a man performs for the goodness and welfare of mankind. It is an act, in which both the parties, as in the one who is performing the act and the one for whom the deed is carried out, both derive pleasure and happiness. It is based on the concept that if I do something for you, you feel thrilled and seeing you happy and cheerful, I derive pleasure and contentment.
- Vikarma: It refers to the selfish acts that are performed to cause harm to others or to pose hindrances in the success and prosperity of others. Well, these kinds of karmas are usually performed by crooks, who can't see others happy and their gladness lies in the sorrows of others.
- Akarma: it refers to the neutral actions. It means the activities that you are carrying out neither cause any kind of harm to the other person nor do they bring any sort of happiness to others.
" Benefits of Peepal "
For constipation problem, there can be no better remedy than the consumption of leaves of Peepal. Dry the Peepal leaves in sun and powder them. Add a solution of jaggery and anise to it. Mix it with water and consume it. This concoction will ensure proper bowel movement. The Indian basil peepal works wonders in treating dysentery. Prepare a mixture of grinded coriander leaves, peepal leaves and sugar and chew it slowly. The leaf of a peepal plant is also considered valuable in the treatment of various kinds of skin disorders.
Pipal leaves are of great use in getting rid of mumps. All one needs to do to avail the benefits of peepal plant is smear the leaves of Peepal with ghee and then warm it on low flame. After that, bandage it over the swollen inflamed part of the body. It is surely going to provide the patient with a great relief. Even for boils, this remedy will prove to be quite effective. In case of formation of pus, bandaging the leaves of Peepal will ensure that the growth subsides. But, it will give beneficial results only if the problem is in its preliminary stage.
" Origin of Peepal Tree "
During the Vedic period, the wood obtained by cutting Peepal tree was used to produce fire. In the ancient Puranas, an incident has been described in which the demons defeated the deities and Lord Vishnu hid in the Peepal tree. Since, the Lord resided in the tree for some time; the tree holds great importance for people. Thus, people began worshipping the tree, considering it to be a means of offering prayers to Lord Vishnu. There are a few legends, which suggest that Lord Vishnu was born under the peepal tree. There are a couple of stories, which say that the tree is home to the trinity of Gods, the root being Brahma, the trunk is Vishnu and leaves represent Lord Shiva. Another popular belief is that Lord Krishna died under the Peepal tree.
Upanishads have also made a mention about the Peepal tree. To clearly define the difference between the body and soul, the fruit of peepal is used as a classic example. According to the Skanda purana, a person who does not have a son should consider the peepal tree as his own child. It says that the family will prosper and have a good name, till the peepal tree survives. Cutting a peepal tree is regarded as a big sin, which is almost equivalent to murdering a Brahmin. Skanda Puranas say that a person who cuts the tree surely goes to hell.
It is preferred to touch the peepal tree only on Saturdays. It is said that once upon a time, there were two demons, namely Ashvattha and Peepala, who used to torture and harass people. Ashvattha took the form of peepal and the Peepala disguised as Brahmin. The Brahmin used to recommend people to touch the peepal tree and as soon as they did so, they were killed by the demon Ashvattha. Both the demons were killed by Shani devta. It is due to the strong influence of Shani Maharaj that it is considered safe to touch the peepal tree on Saturdays. People are of the belief that even Goddess Lakshmi dwells in the tree on Saturdays. Women who are not blessed with a son tie a red thread around the trunk or on its branches asking the deities to bless her and fulfill her desire.
" Peepal "
The botanical name of Peepal is Ficus religiosa. This holy plant is known by different names in different languages like Bodhi in Sanskrit, Piplo in Gujrati, Al or Aryal in Malayalam etc. It is said that peepal tree protects mankind from the evil eye and also keeps away dreadful dreams. Mentions have been made about the holiness of Peepal tree in Vedas. Well, apart from its religious significance, Peepal tree is also known for its medicinal value. To know about the benefits and uses of Peepal plant, read on…
" Power of Gayatri Mantra "
When a man is gifted with righteous wisdom, half of his problems vanish away. People land into trouble, when they are not able to take the right decisions. People tread the wrong path because they are not mature or wise enough to decide what's good for them and what's not. It is here that Gayatri mantra comes to play a major role by bestowing wisdom on the people who chant this mantra in the right way.
The performance of Gayatri mantra opens the gateway for knowledge and it is the raised intellectual level that enables a person to reach heights. The reciting of Gayatri mantra washes away the sins and provides the individuals with the intelligence to indulge in good deeds. It helps a great deal in purifying the mind, body and soul. You tend to feel relaxed after performing it and also your mind stops wandering, thereby leading to better concentration.
This single Gayatri mantra is so powerful that it brings the same reward as the reading of the four Vedas. The mantra has to be repeated thrice a day and in turn, it will confer all the blessings on you in the form of good health, wealth, vitality, beauty etc. You can chant the mantra even while carrying out your daily routine works. Many people are in the habit of chanting Gayatri mantra while walking in the morning. To attain enlightenment, there can be no better therapy than chanting this foremost mantra of the Hinduism religion.
" Gayatri Mantra Meaning "
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat
Aum = it is symbolic of Brahma
Bhoor = it stands for the essential spiritual energy (pran)
Bhuwah = destroyer of sufferings
Swaha = it represents happiness
Tat = it refers to the Paramatman or the divine spirit
Savitur = bright shining sun. It represents the creator of world
Varenyam = best
Bhargo = destroyer of sins
Devasya = it refers to the supreme God
Dheemahi = absorb the knowledge
Dhiyo = intelligence
Yo = who
Naha = our
Prachodayat = enlightenment
" Osho Quotes "
- Only those who are ready to become nobodies are able to love.
- Nobody is here to fulfill your dream. Everybody is here to fulfill his own destiny, his own reality.
- If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinion for or against.
- Don't choose. Accept life as it is in its totality.
- When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised.
- Life is a balance between rest and movement.
- Fools laugh at others. Wisdom laughs at itself.
- Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars. and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers - for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are.
" Osho Philosophy "
Osho's Teachings
Osho placed high importance to love, laughter and meditation. He said that, these three aspects of life are the most precious and should be valued by all. He stressed on the need to gain enlightenment and for achieving it, he asked people to inculcate the habit of watching their mind. Don't keep your mind ideal. Osho preached people to widen their horizon of creativity and block the way for any kind of hindrances. He recommended a few suggestions to unlock the gateway of creativity, which are as follows:
- Live your childhood again by becoming a child. It is good to be kiddish at times.
- Learn with an open mind. Always keep yourself open for learning.
- Don't go searching for Nirvana outside. Try to find it in the ordinary.
- Be a dreamer.
" Osho "
Till seven years of age, Osho lived with his maternal grandparents and this played a major role in his growth. It is due to the fact that, his grandmother was very cool and gave him liberty to live his life the way he wanted. Education was never imposed on him. His grandparents always said that, he should do whatever his heart feels right. Osho claims to have attained enlightenment at a young age of 21.
He did his graduation in philosophy from D. N. Jain College and completed masters from Saugar University in the year 1957. Thereafter, he began teaching philosophy at Raipur Sanskrit College. He traveled all over the country and gave lectures that opposed the concept of socialism. In the year 1964, Osho started his first meditation camp. The spiritual leader Osho died on the January 19, 1990.
Osho Philosophy
Osho philosophy is based on the three C's, namely, consciousness, compassion & creativity. He was of the opinion that, a person who is capable of developing these three qualities can possess the quality of depth. Most of us keep ourselves away from creativity. According to Osho, there are basically four things that restrict creative living. These are self consciousness, intellectual level, belief and perfectionism. More…
Osho Ashram
The credit for laying the foundation for the Osho Ashram goes to Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, who later came to be popularly known as Osho. Osho Ashram in Pune is more commonly known as Osho International Meditation Resort. Osho Ashram in India today serves as a refuge for those seeking spirituality. With centres all over the world, Osho dham, today, has about 2 lakh members. More…
" Facts about Mahatma Gandhi "
The Birth of 'Mahatma'
Mahatma Gandhi was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and the title 'Mahatma' was accorded to him much later. Mahatma literally translates to 'great soul' in Sanskrit. Even though opinion is ambivalent as to how Gandhi came to be known as Mahatma, people generally believe that noted poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore bestowed the title of 'Mahatma' on Gandhi.
Mahatma Gandhi and the Boer War
Despite his lifelong pursuit of nonviolence, Gandhi found himself embroiled in a war at an early stage of his life, albeit in a humanitarian role. During his stay in South Africa the Second Boer War broke out and Gandhi organized a volunteer medial unit of free Indians and indentured laborers called the Indian Ambulance Corps. This unit provided exemplary medical service to wounded black South Africans and post -war Gandhi became a decorated sergeant of the Corps.
The Gandhi Statue in Pietermaritzburg
Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu Natal province of South Africa was the place where Gandhi was shoved out a train 1893 after refusing to move from the first class to a third class coach while holding a first class ticket. This unsavory incident proved to be landmark event in Gandhi's life as he made it a mission to protest such incidents of racial abuse. The downtown of Pietermaritzburg city now hosts a commemorative statue of Mahatma Gandhi.
Mahatma Gandhi and the Nobel Prize
It is indeed a sad irony that Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest exponent of peace and nonviolence, was never deemed eligible for the Nobel Peace Prize. After four previous nominations, Gandhi was chosen for the Prize in 1948, but because of his unfortunate assassination the Nobel Committee had to shelve their plans and the Peace Prize was not awarded that year.
Mahatma Gandhi and the Time Magazine
Time Magazine, the famous U.S. publication, named Mahatma Gandhi the Man of the Year in 1930. In 1999 the magazine declared Mahatma the runner-up to noted scientist Albert Einstein as the "Person of the Century".
" Mahatma Gandhi Quotes "
- Permanent good can never be the outcome of untruth and violence.
- First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
- As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.
- The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.
- You must be the change you want to see in the world.
- Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.
- One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.
- I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
- Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.
- The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.